Time Now


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What Is an Online World Clock?

Online world clock can help track the current local time and time in different time zones around the world. Choose time in most cities around the world, add them, or remove and customize this world clock to your needs. This tool work in most browsers whether you're using a computer, tablet, phone or smart TV.

Is the World Clock Accurate?

Yes, our online world clock is designed to be as accurate as possible. It uses precise time zone data and updates regularly. However, accuracy can depend on your device time settings and internet connection. That's why we sync with reliable time servers to ensure accuracy.

How to Use This Online World Clock?

We made our world clock simple to use. You can:

  1. View default cities times
  2. Add new cities scroll to the add city clock button.
  3. Remove cities you don't need
  4. Rearrange the order of cities
  5. Search for specific cities

How to Add or Remove Cities?

To add a city:

  1. Click the "Add City Clock" button
  2. Select a city from the dropdown menu
  3. Click "Add"

To remove a city:

  1. Find the city you want to remove
  2. Click the trash icon on its card

Why Use a World Clock?

A world clock is useful for:

  1. Planning international calls
  2. Tracking business hours in different time zones
  3. Coordinating with global team members
  4. Planning travel across time zones
  5. Staying connected with friends and family abroad